Young Vikings in Town

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Kom og mød andre danskere i Melbourne, første Fredag i måneden. Der bliver spillet klask og hygget. Happy hour indtil klokken 18, så kom gerne lidt før. Hjemmeside

Fastelavn – at Toorak House

Swedish Church Toorak 21 St Georges Rd, Toorak, Toorak, Australia

Join Danish School Down Under, Young Vikings in Town and The Danish Club at the Swedish Church in Toorak. Fancy Dress is essential as we beat the cat out of the barrel! We would like to know the number of people attending so we can estimate how many hotdogs and lollies will be needed. Church […]

Members only event – Præsident’s Taffel February 2025

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

NOTE - will be held on the 2nd Wednesday this month. Join us for the monthly President’s Lunch at Denmark House to share a communal lunch and get to know other members of the Danish Club or reconnect with friends. Price includes four smørrebrød, one akvavit, dessert, and coffee. Bookings are essential, book your ticket […]


Studenterbar for U25

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Er du mellem 18-25 år og bor eller er på besøg i Melbourne? Vi holder en komsammen netværks aften for alle unge der bor i Melbourne, i længere eller kortere tid. Måske har du en dansk forældre, WHV, er studerende eller bare på en lækker ferie og savner at tale dansk. Happy hour fra 16 […]

Mark Matthews Jazz Duo

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The Mark Matthews Duo are back again this year performing in the bar, playing jazz standards and great tunes. Happy hour, $6 Carlsberg tap and house wines are available from 4–6pm, and snacks can be purchased from the bar. Dinner will also be available in the restaurant from 4-8pm.

Sold out! Members only event – Fugleskydning 2025

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

A Danish Club tradition since 1899. Join us for the 103rd Fugleskydning of Danish Club Dannebrog. The 2025 annual Fugleskydning Includes breakfast, lunch and transport to and from the shooting range. We start at the Club at 8am for breakfast before boarding the bus to the shooting range. We will rise the Danish flag Dannebrog […]


International Hygge Day

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Today is international hygge day and we invite you to Denmark House to celebrate with friends and loved ones. 'Hygge’ – that quintessential Danish concept of ‘cosiness’. The ten concepts of Hygge according to "The Little Book of Hygge" by Meik Wiking Atmosphere: Turn Down the Lights. Presence: Be Here Now. Pleasure: Treat Yourself. Equality: […]

Monthly buffet

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

For decades our Monthly Danish Lunch Buffet has been a hallmark at Denmark House.  On the first Saturday of every month Denmark House serves our popular Danish buffet lunch with all of your favorite traditional Danish food, including pickled herring, gravad laks, roast pork, crumbed fish with remoulade, meatballs, dessert, tea & coffee and more. […]

A$25.00 – A$65.00

Young Vikings in Town

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Kom og mød andre danskere i Melbourne, første Fredag i måneden. Der bliver spillet klask og hygget. Happy hour indtil klokken 18, så kom gerne lidt før. Hjemmeside  

Studenterbar for U25

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Er du mellem 18-25 år og bor eller er på besøg i Melbourne? Vi holder en komsammen netværks aften for alle unge der bor i Melbourne, i længere eller kortere tid. Måske har du en dansk forældre, WHV, er studerende eller bare på en lækker ferie og savner at tale dansk. Happy hour fra 16 […]

Members only event – Præsident’s Taffel, March 2025

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Join us for the monthly President’s Lunch at Denmark House to share a communal lunch and get to know other members of the Danish Club or reconnect with friends. Price includes four smørrebrød, one akvavit, dessert, and coffee. Bookings are essential ,book your ticket now.


Members only event – Fuglekonge middag 2025 – Rasmus Fiedler

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

A Danish Club tradition since 1899. Join us celebrating the 103rd Fuglekonge, Rasmus Fiedler. Price is including three course dinner, tea and coffee. $65 for members, $75 for partners/guests.

A$65.00 – A$75.00

Members Dinner March 2025

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Join other members of the Danish Club for an evening of Hygge. This event is a great way to connect with other likeminded people and meet new and old friends. Price includes one drink, one akvavit, set main course, dessert and coffee. Bookings are essential, book your ticket now.


Danish School Down Under

Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The Danish School Down Under and the Danish Club have gone together to offer free Danish lessons for kids of club members. Your child must be school age and wanting to improve their Danish language skills. It is imperative the child can be supported in their Danish language at home. Our enrolled children must therefore […]