Thursday Summer Special – Frikadelle Aften $24
Denmark House L3 428 Lt Bourke St, Melbourne, VIC, AustraliaThursday Summer Special. $24 Frikadeller incl a drink, Carlsberg tap, wine or soft drink.
Thursday Summer Special. $24 Frikadeller incl a drink, Carlsberg tap, wine or soft drink.
A Danish Club tradition since 1899. Join us for the 103rd Fugleskydning of Danish Club Dannebrog. The 2025 annual Fugleskydning Includes breakfast, lunch and transport to and from the shooting […]
Thursday Summer Special. $24 Frikadeller incl a drink, Carlsberg tap, wine or soft drink.
Today is international hygge day and we invite you to Denmark House to celebrate with friends and loved ones. 'Hygge’ – that quintessential Danish concept of ‘cosiness’. The ten concepts […]
For decades our Monthly Danish Lunch Buffet has been a hallmark at Denmark House. On the first Saturday of every month Denmark House serves our popular Danish buffet lunch with […]
Kom og mød andre danskere i Melbourne, første Fredag i måneden. Der bliver spillet klask og hygget. Happy hour indtil klokken 18, så kom gerne lidt før. Hjemmeside
Er du mellem 18-25 år og bor eller er på besøg i Melbourne? Vi holder en komsammen netværks aften for alle unge der bor i Melbourne, i længere eller kortere […]
Join us for the monthly President’s Lunch at Denmark House to share a communal lunch and get to know other members of the Danish Club or reconnect with friends. Price […]
A Danish Club tradition since 1899. Join us celebrating the 103rd Fuglekonge, Rasmus Fiedler. Price is including three course dinner, tea and coffee. $65 for members, $75 for partners/guests.
Join other members of the Danish Club for an evening of Hygge. This event is a great way to connect with other likeminded people and meet new and old friends. […]
The Danish School Down Under and the Danish Club have gone together to offer free Danish lessons for kids of club members. Your child must be school age and wanting […]
Kom og mød andre danskere i Melbourne, første Fredag i måneden. Der bliver spillet klask og hygget. Happy hour indtil klokken 18, så kom gerne lidt før. Hjemmeside
For decades our Monthly Danish Lunch Buffet has been a hallmark at Denmark House. On the first Saturday of every month Denmark House serves our popular Danish buffet lunch with […]
Bring your kids and make your own decorations to take home. We will puste æg/blow eggs and paint them, cut gækkebreve and many other decorations for your home to hang […]
Join us for to celebrate Queen Margrethe II birthday with a traditional Danish smørrebrød lunch. Price includes, one welcome drink, one akvavit, four pieces of smørrebrød, tea/coffee and a sweet.